Nearest Schools

List of nearest schools to this property.

* Distances are straight line measurements.

2 Key Stage 2

Foreland Fields School - 0.37 miles

4 Key Stage 4

Stone Bay School - 0.36 miles

5 Key Stage 5

East Kent College - 1.29 miles

Nearest Public Transport

List of nearest public transport to this property.

* Distances are straight line measurements.

 Train Station

Broadstairs Rail Station - 0.91 miles


London Southend Airport - 34.81 miles

 Coach Station

Broadstairs: High Street Coach Stop - 0.91 miles

 Ferry Port

Dover Eastern Docks Ferry Terminal - 17.70 miles

Local Information

Nearest Health Services

List of nearest health services to this property.

* Distances are straight line measurements.


Queen Elizabeth The Queen Mother Hospital - 2.47 miles


Queen Elizabeth The Queen Mother Hospital - 2.47 miles

 Walk-in Clinic

Victoria Hospital, Deal - 10.78 miles


Hallway 2
Kitchen 1
Lounge 1
Bedroom 2
Parking Area
Dining Room
Balcony 2
Communal Garden
Building Entrance
Kitchen 2
Bedroom 1
Lounge 2
Balcony 1
Hallway 1

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