Nearest Schools

List of nearest schools to this property.

* Distances are straight line measurements.

2 Key Stage 2

St Stephen's Junior School - 0.37 miles

4 Key Stage 4

The Archbishop's School - 0.36 miles

5 Key Stage 5

The Archbishop's School - 0.36 miles

Nearest Public Transport

List of nearest public transport to this property.

* Distances are straight line measurements.

 Train Station

Canterbury West Rail Station - 0.34 miles


Lydd London Ashford Airport - 23.86 miles

 Coach Station

Canterbury: Kent Uni. Keynes Coll. Coach Stop - 0.55 miles

 Ferry Port

Folkestone Eurotunnel Terminal - 13.42 miles

Local Information

Nearest Health Services

List of nearest health services to this property.

* Distances are straight line measurements.


Kent And Canterbury Hospital - 1.66 miles


William Harvey Hospital (ashford) - 12.24 miles

 Walk-in Clinic

Kent And Canterbury Hospital - 1.66 miles

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